Reservation Conditions

The clauses of the booking conditions of the WEBSITE: , of which DELIA TEACHER, SLU, with CIF: B-66439290, Commercial Registry of: BARCELONA , Volume: 44612 , Folio: 131, Section 8 , Page: B-461174 , with address: AV. DE LES CORTS CATALANES, 5-7 , CP: 08173 , Town: SANT CUGAT DEL VALLES , Province of: BARCELONA , regulate the marketing and sale of our online and in-person courses.

Due to the content and purpose of the WEBSITE , people who want information must fill out the contact form , those who want to take an online or face-to-face language course must register in the USER form, which is acquired by completing the REGISTRATION form , and registration for our courses, your data will be incorporated into an automated file for your protection and used for the relationship between the user / student and the administrator of the website, in application of the RGPD-EU-2016/679, the LOPD-3 / 2018, guarantee of digital rights, for electronic commerce the Directive, the LSSI-Electronic Commerce-34/2002, with the update, 05/09/2023, Law 11/2022, General Telecommunications Directive 2011/83 / EU, on consumer rights and Law 3/2014, of March 27, by which the consolidated text is modified of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary Laws, approved by RD. 1/2007, with the update, 06/29/2023.

Consent of the interested party :

In order to process your personal data, your consent is required in compliance with the RGPD-EU-2016/679, and according to articles 5, 6, 7, and 13, of the LOPDGDD-3/2018, in its Title II, and Law 1/2019, on Business Secrets, you are informed that the party responsible for processing the data will be DELIA TEACHER, SLU, which will process the information in a lawful, fair and transparent manner in relation to the interested party, for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes. The data and information will be processed in such a way that adequate security is guaranteed through the application of appropriate technical or organizational measures.

Data to be processed : Personal and administrative.

Purpose : For the management and administration of student activities.

The data of the interested party will only be transferred under legal obligation, and they have the right to file a claim with the relevant Control Authority.

In the event of a personal data breach pursuant to Art. 33 GDPR, the controller shall notify the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Article 55 without undue delay and, if feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it.

By registering on this website, , you provide your personal or legal data for the management of the courses, and by accepting the booking conditions through a Check Box or Button on the registration form , you accept the terms and conditions of the website and the processing of your personal data.

Consent of the minor : Article 6, section f, of the RGPD-EU-2016/679, and by the LOPD-3/2018, on the Guarantee of Digital Rights, in its article 84, (protection of minors on the Internet), that minors under 16 years of age cannot give their consent for an online store to collect their personal data, their legal representatives (parents or guardians) being the ones who can do so on their behalf, except when the minor is at least 16 years old, in which case their consent will be lawful.


DELIA TEACHER, SLUhas a Newsletter for the promotion and information of our services to our users/customers who wish to do so, who must subscribe using the form on the website and register using their email address and accept the Booking and Privacy Conditions. This service uses the technological solutions of the company DELIA TEACHER, SLU.

In this sense, by explicitly accepting the Booking and Privacy Conditions, the user agrees that their data will be processed for this service.


The WEBSITE : , of which DELIA TEACHER, SLU is the Administrator , is an academy that provides training in the languages ​​​​English, Spanish and Catalan in Sant Cugat del Vallès, which offers live online courses, by age for children, adolescents, adults and companies.

Categories can be for Academic English, Business English, Specialized English, and English with an Official Exam.

Online course classes can be personalized for each of our students or requested in groups, in person at companies or at our Center.


The displayed prices indicated through the WEBSITE do not support VAT as they are training courses. The price will be reflected at the time of booking and registration in the MY CART section .


The USER will pay with the euro currency , at the time of confirmation of the reservation registration.

The USER must pay the amount corresponding to his/her Registration reservation using the payment system: DEBIT CARD , VISA, MASTERCARD, PAY PAL and others, and by BANK TRANSFER.

Payments made by bank transfer will not be effective until the amount of the order has been deposited into the account of the web administrator.

The USER must notify the website administrator of any improper or fraudulent charges in the payment system used, by email, , or by telephone, +34 93 590 65 79, or +34 667 054 934, as soon as possible so that the website administrator can take the appropriate action.


This WEBSITE , , complies with the  PCI-DSS  (Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard) regulations, which are mandatory  for all websites that store, manage and process sensitive financial information such as bank card data.


The WEBSITE: , has the maximum security measures commercially available in the sector. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted using 128-bit to 256-bit algorithms, in this way, by using the SSL protocol, “Secure Socket Layer”, which are cryptographic protocols that provide privacy and integrity in secure communications between the client and the web administrator.


Once the registration reservation has been formalized, that is, with the acceptance of the reservation conditions and conditions of use of the website and the confirmation of the reservation process in the MY CART section , the administrator of the website, , will send a welcome email to the USER, confirming the details of the reservation and subsequently the online passwords for access to the Virtual Classroom which will have the interactive material necessary for your training, and personalized access for live online courses with the day and time that best suits the USER .


The content of these web reservation clauses act as proof of the relationship between the web administrator and the client, in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, in its article 69, 71 and 76, Law 3/2014 of March 27, article 71,104.b, 107, and 108, the courses reserved on this website may be cancelled, provided that the USER communicates to the administrator his intention to cancel the classes, article 104.b.


The right of withdrawal will not be applicable to contracts, pursuant to article 103 of Law 3/2014, when the following sections apply:

m) The supply of digital content that is not provided on a physical medium when the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and user, with the knowledge on his part that he consequently loses his right of withdrawal.


The website administrator will only accept cancellations that meet the following requirements:

You must inform the website administrator as soon as possible and indicate that you wish to cancel the classes or courses. This information can be provided by email, , or by phone, +34 93 590 65 79, or +34 667 054 934.

a).- To cancel classes in personalized courses, the website administrator must be informed 24 hours before the reserved time. Failure to show up for classes will be considered a class taken and charged.

b).- For the cancellation of courses paid for with a monthly fee, the website administrator must be informed with sufficient notice so that the corresponding fee is not charged for the following month.

The administrator of the website accepts and processes cancellations and withdrawals under the protection of local laws and the aforementioned EU Directives.


These terms and conditions of sale and use are governed by the Spanish legislation applicable in the matter. To resolve any controversy or conflict that may arise, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of ARENYS DE MAR, Judicial District of CANET DE MAR , the city of origin of, DELIA TEACHER, SLU , owner of the WEBSITE, , unless the law imposes another jurisdiction.


In application of Law 7/2017, of November 2, in its Article 40.5, which incorporates into the Spanish legal system Directive 2013/11/EU, Regulation-EU-524/2013, of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, in its Article 5.1, regarding alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters for online product purchases: Online dispute resolution platform : (click here).


DELIA TEACHER, SLU,informs you of the possibility of exercising your rights ofaccess,rectification,opposition,deletion,limitationandportabilityarecord of their sending and receipt at the address of the website administratoror by email: , providing a photocopy of your ID or alternative documentation that proves your identity, in accordance with article 12.3 of the RGPD-EU-2016/679,thedata controller will provide the interested party with information regarding their personal and other data, on the basis of a request for legal representation in accordance with articles 15 to 22, with a response within a maximum period of one month from receipt of the request.You may file a complaint with the Control Authority, AEPD, ACPD, AVPD.

These clauses are made by GRUP QUALIA , so you are given a certificate in digital image format so that you can display it on your website.

Completed: 05/29/2024

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