Business English Courses

Our Business English courses are offered by modules, with the advantage of being able to choose those you require and interest you. Each module lasts one month. Here are some of our modules:

We offer the modules by levels of English from A2 to C1, in accordance to the CEFR.

Modality: Online sessions live or In-Company
Type of classes: Private or group


Our Business English course is a program designed by modules and levels, with the specific objective to improve your Business skills in English effectively and fluently according to the industry of your work and job position. To do so, in addition to the live sessions, we have implemented a 24/7 virtual classroom, including material related to the specific module, covering grammar (for business), vocabulary, articles, audios, videos, podcasts, and much more.

The duration of each module is one month and consists of 4 teaching hours plus 16 hours of material.

Business English 1 (A2)
Business English 2 (B1)
Business English 3 (B2)
Business English 4 (C1)

Live sessions via Microsoft Teams or In-Company.

Time & Start Date
You can take the module in any month of the year.
Timetable established with the student or company.

Method of payment
Fixed monthly fee.

What’s included in the price?

• Personal Interview
• Level test
• All sessions in English with qualified teachers
• Program based on the student’s needs.
• Username and password creation
• 24/7 access to your virtual classroom
• Material throughout the course
• Projects and case studies
• Continuous assessment with the Academic Director
• Quarterly reports
• Information support for the processing of FUNDAE.


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